Community & Charity Support

Plover Tours and Travel Donations

Since Plover Tours and Travel is a community based tour Company, we are thoughtful of the community as a percentage of each booking goes to community charity projects as a way
of transforming the livelihood of those in need.This is always achieved through the endless bookings of our Safari Packages where a percentage is donated to charity and Some donations that a direct to support the cause. With these donations we are always able to change the lives of the people.

Community & Charity Support

As one of our mission statements that we are concise about nature striving to use what we have in the present while conserving for the future as well value our community and giving back is one of our goals. This is always achieved through the endless bookings of our Safari Packages where a percentage is donated to charity and Some donations that a direct to support the cause. With these donations we are always able to change the lives of the people within our communities.

Our charity and partnerships
Photo by Seth Doyle